Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What I think of My Blog Lately

Maybe I'm feeling lazy about writing today. Can't think of much except this musical reflection of my blog:

Haw haw! As of yet, I am unsure of the persona I want this blog to have. I just hope it doesn't seem too preachy and self-absorbed despite its intentions. Suppose I have been taking myself a bit too seriously; oh well. Beyond introspection I am hoping to begin conversation which means I hope to do more reaching out with future posts. But until then...

Catch ya later...

1 comment:

  1. Nice video! Seems to match the post perfectly. I do like the deep thought you put in your blog just seems so deep. Well, most of it does, anyway.

    Just do whatever you wanted your blog to do, I'm sure the pieces will all fall into place.
