Saturday, February 14, 2015

Lessons presented when being a dreamer

As i continue to contemplate and move forward with my life's work, I receive reminders through dreams. I know they are messages because of how vivid they are. Recently I had two dreams within days of each other. I will only note the images of importance in each dream...

Dream 1: I am outdoors in an almost mystically bright and beautiful park or woods like space. The sun brightens everything with a golden hue, especially the grass and trees. I am directed to look at a young black girl with dark skin. On her shoulder is a beautiful black bird with a crest and yellow eyes with black pupils, a black jaybird with feathers that color like a magpie or starling when the light hits it. I approach her. The bird is in the palms of both hands. In my desire to know more about the bird, I turn it over to find the tag that is on its ankle but I cannot read it. I think the tag was blue. After attempting to examine it, I return the bird into its upright position and find it is bald, nothing but pale flesh remaining on this now wrinkly vulnerable old looking bird. I am sad that it may have been over examined causing its feathers to have been rubbed off.

Dream 2: I am at a gathering at my house. It is evening. I am close to a vampire with gray skin, dark hair, and thin but longish vampire fangs. The live-version male Marcelene one could say. I am attracted to him and am trying to make-out with him. I notice he is not as into me as I am him, but I insist on showing my interest by kissing him though he does not return the affection. I am having a good time at the gathering regardless and go sit down on the couch with some other friends. My pet dog comes up wanting love. She half-climbs on my lap and I pet her. She insists on being as close as possible and thrusts her paw in my face, making contact with my left eye. It is damaged to the point of blindness. The impact and results were surreal. I really had gone blind in one eye. I panic trying to make sure, hoping I recover, but I don't. I feel my left eye bulging as I try to will it into functionality but nothing helps. Luckily an alarm wakes me .

With each dream I came up with a rough sketch of meanings based on my understandings of things as symbols.

With Dream 1, a possible interpretation that makes sense to me is the black jaybird representing higher knowledge and wisdom is gifted to me but instead of simply admiring its beauty, being in the moment, I over-examine it wanting to know more about it and subsequently nullifying the wisdom and rendering the bird flightless and earthbound. Perhaps the warning here is to be mindful of the wisdom I come across and be wary of over-examination and thus rendering the wisdom gifted as useless. Appreciate the gift in the moment rather than being possessive of it and therefore limiting its potential to be shared with others.

With Dream 2, a possible interpretation that makes sense has to do with a person or endeavor in my life that requires a lot of energy. Something/one I pursue in spite of lack of reciprocation. It is an alluring presence that could lend to a dark-side oriented path. This is where the eye injury comes in. I have read blindness in the left eye to be a warning of loosing insight/awareness of self, motives, and/or my behaviors. I do not see things clearly or am ignoring my intuition on the matter. On a whole the warning in place has to do with my potential attraction to the darker side of things, be it through a person or endeavor is an attraction to a path I would normally not vibe with and steer clear of. The fact that this darker energy is not attracted to me should have been enough to have me steer clear and normally I would.  If I were to persist in spite of my intuition on the matter, I will loose my inner sight altogether and thus a large part of my ability to guide my steps and receive the wisdom that is part of a better path.

In each case I am being warned. To be mindful of how to be in the presence of wisdom on the one hand and to be wary of ignoring my intuition on the other. In both cases the desire was there to pursue and claim, of which the consequences were damaging in one way or another. As such I should break with such tendencies/approaches or risk absence of such gifts be it though nullification or blindness.

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