As a graduate student, I feel the mounting pressures of trying to pigeon-hole myself in a way only academics can; by claiming areas of 'expertise'. What do I want to become somewhat fluent in? I've been thinking about this lately and have yet to come up with definitive answers. Instead I've come up with more worries, chief among them being claiming expertise in an area that is rather obscure from an academic's perspective.
What I would like to be able to do is use my education and 'expertise' to serve as a bridge for those--be they in higher education or some other professional realm--in need of assistance with overcoming obstacles seen and unseen. I want to help individuals, especially underrepresented ones, navigate these realms successfully. I want to also challenge and disrupt the status quo of the institutions and underlying structures that make it difficult for certain populations to succeed. Making change to these things would make it easier for others to thrive where they otherwise wouldn't (or at least that's what the idealist in me would like to think).
How does this translate when it comes 'claiming' an area of expertise? What does this mean I want to do? All I know is that I would like to work towards the betterment of humanity in general, but I don't know where that fits me academically. In addition I would love to infuse these desires with art, be it through photography, film, painting, drawing, graphic novels...I enjoy telling the stories of others as well as the stories dwelling within myself. I think it helps us understand who we are and reminds us of what we are capable of--for better or for worse. In fact I was hoping for part of my dissertation to be a documentary.
Today I met a gentleman who got a interdisciplinary Ph.D. in political science, criminal justice and fine art. How cool is that? Part of his dissertation was doing a series of paintings. His defense involved his committee and others exploring the integration of the three areas in his project. I want to be able to do something like this. Something that calls to me, yet is beneficial to others as well. I only hope to be so lucky as to find a space like this. Still, I don't know where to fit myself in...
Oh well. Until next time...
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